Fire(works) & Ice(land)

Reykjavik — New Years Eve 2018

I've wanted to be here for this insane display of amateur fireworks for a decade or more. It finally happened, and it was everything I'd dreamed it would be.

 Huddled for warmth under Hallgrímskirkja, we had an incredible vantage point.

Huddled for warmth under Hallgrímskirkja, we had an incredible vantage point.

 Everyone was getting into the fun, including the kids.

Everyone was getting into the fun, including the kids.

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 The crowds were incredible. It felt like the entire city was there.

The crowds were incredible. It felt like the entire city was there.

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 Visitors from all over the world were here to celebrate.

Visitors from all over the world were here to celebrate.

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